Friday, July 6, 2007


My first attempt at bloggetry

What shall I write to prime this post
And shed some light on matters most
Important to the common man
For all to view and understand?

What measured rate, and wit to tell
Will stimulate the reader well?
What word of text, of font and style
Will profit next to fill the while?

Ought I, in waxing words opine
About those views akin to mine?
Or prate about where I have been
And state which art forms I defend?

A keyboard sage could sentence write
And parse each page by kilobyte
But, I? My most is scarcely craft
To publish post, and save as draft

I've spent my time in vain, 'twould seem
Too long on rhyme, too short on theme
I'll close the gate. Goodnight. Disperse
I terminate this meager verse

My daughter thought I should contribute to the great, ongoing dialogue of wit, wisdom and worry that spiders through the web, so she set up this blog for me as a bulletin board.